Functional Capacity Evaluations and Work Conditioning Services

Functional Capacity Evaluations and Work Conditioning Services

Have you been injured at work? Are you nervous about returning to work before you feel ready? Fortunately, there’s a way to assess your readiness and programs to help make sure you are physically capable of performing the demands of your job!

At Orchard Park Progressive Physical Therapy, we are fully certified Functional Capacity Evaluators (FCE) and work conditioning specialists. Our FCE and Work Conditioning Evaluators assess the specific abilities essential to the physical demands of your job and determine whether you can meet these physical demands.

Using these structured programs helps us design a program tailored to your individual needs so you can get back to work safely. You can rest assured knowing that you are capable of performing the demands of work because we will test you in the safety of our clinic with our physical therapists monitoring you!

Call today to learn if our Functional Capacity Evaluations and Work Conditioning programs are right for you! 

What are functional capacity evaluations and work conditioning programs? 

The primary purpose of functional capacity evaluations and work conditioning evaluations are to determine an individual’s functional abilities and limitations in a safe environment while focusing on the demands of work tasks related to your job.

The service we provide at Orchard Park Progressive Physical Therapy is an effective tool to safely assess your ability to work and/or establish baseline abilities for disability evaluations. Our FCE and Work Conditioning Evaluations correlate a client’s functional capabilities to the essential physical demands of their job to determine whether they meet these physical demands.

The FCE and Work Conditioning Evaluations use specific criteria throughout the assessment to determine if there is consistent effort and whether pain ratings match the effort. Upon completion of the testing, we provide a comprehensive report outlining the worker’s results and physical capability. 

What to expect at Orchard Park Progressive Physical Therapy sessions

At your initial evaluation, we will perform a comprehensive assessment and thorough history that includes the physical demands of your home, work, recreational life, and your overall health status. We use this information to identify all the possible factors related to your pain/injury and design a treatment program based on the findings. 

Our industrial rehab-trained therapists specialize in treating the injured worker during any phase of the injury, including before or after surgery. We integrate functional and work-specific movements into our therapy programs. 

We believe educating our patients to take control of their symptoms is a key to a successful outcome and preventing future episodes. Our goal is to help you safely return to work and avoid future problems from interfering with your life!


Request an appointment at Orchard Park Progressive Physical Therapy today!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!